Wow, I really suck at keep up with this, huh? There's been a lot going on, and I've been neglecting my poor blog. I'm just going to quickly outline the key events that have kept me from you.

1) Celine L.Y. Chao came to visit me! With Celine, I finally made my way to the Roman baths to begin the research that will allow me to travel throughout Europe once my program ends. It was a lot of fun. She and I also A) found a new park, B) ate really good cookies, and C) made two trips to the pharmacy since with the arrival of Celine began my descent into sickness that still has not passed.

2) I went to Oxford for a week! That was actually super fun. I got a single, and even if it did smell like someone broke a bottle of cologne, was right on street level so I was three feet away from people who were waiting for the bus, and was opposite the only bathroom of the floor so my foyer always smelled faintly of poo, it was very nice. Oxford the city was great. I regret not following my professor's advice and just applying to Oxford for study abroad, because I liked it so much better than Bath. But I probably couldn't have handled being around all the smarty pants students.
3) Spring break Amsterdam!! Christine and I traveled to the magical fairy land of the Dutch to visit my good friend and housemate, Adriana. Being the weirdo homebody that I am, my favorite part of Amsterdam was Adriana's host family. They let us stay with them, and they were probably the coolest family I've ever met. It was a little terrifying because they legitimately were tall, blond, blue-eyed and gorgeous. Dutch stereotypes! Two of the kids were in Greek and Latin, so I was actually of use in the family. If I were Adri, I would never leave home. Of course we did leave home, and engaged in the wholesome activities of bike riding in the park, visiting the zoo with Adriana's host sister, and looking at hookers in the red light district.

4) Danielle came to visit! I am hardcore breaking the rules of ASE, which strictly stipulate that no one can stay in our homes. Hopefully none of the staff read my blog, but that would really be sad if they did, so I'm not too worried.